# Visualization and Monitoring [Nightscout](http://nightscout.info) is the recommended way to visualize your OpenAPS closed loop. Even if you don't choose to share your Nightscout instance with another person, it will be helpful for you to visualize what the loop is doing; what it's been doing; plus generate helpful reports for understanding your data and also allowing you to customize watchfaces with your OpenAPS data. This provides a visual alternative to SSHing into your raspberry Pi or loop system and looking through log files. ## Nightscout Integration The integration requires setting up Nightscout and making changes and additions to your OpenAPS implementation. ### Nightscout Setup OpenAPS requires the latest (currently dev) version of Nightscout, which can be found here: https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor/tree/dev. If you are already using Nightscout you might have to update your repository. Just go to the https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor repository and look for "updating my version". Once you have completed these steps, log on to Azure or Heroku and disconnect the deployment source. Thereafter choose your cgm-remote-monitor github repository as source again. You should take the dev branch of this repository especially if you plan to use the advanced-meal-assist feature. The steps discussed here are essentially the same for both Azure and Heroku users. Two configuration changes must be made to the Nightscout implementation: * Add "openaps" (without the quotes) and, optionally, "pump" (without the quotes) to the list of plugins enabled, and * Add a new configuration variable DEVICESTATUS_ADVANCED="true" (without the quotes) For Azure users, here is what these configuration changes will look like (with just "openaps" added): ![azure config changes](https://files.gitter.im/eyim/lw6x/blob). For Heroku users, exactly the same changes should be made on the Config Vars page. The optional "pump" plugin enables additional pump monitoring pill boxes. For example, assuming you have added "pump" to the list of enabled plugins, you may add a new configuration variable `PUMP_FIELDS="reservoir battery"` to display pump reservoir and battery status on the Nightscout page. The "pump" plugin offers a number of other options, as documented on the [Nightscout readme](https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor/blob/dev/README.md#built-inexample-plugins). Next, on your Nightscout website, go to the Settings (3 horizontal bars) in the upper right corner. At the very bottom of the Settings menu, in the "About" section, you may check the Nightscout version (e.g. version 0.9.0-dev). Just above is a list of Plugins available. OpenAPS should show up. Click the check box to enable. Similarly, in the case you've enabled the "pump" plugin, "Pump" should also show up in the list, and you may check the box to enable. You should now see the OpenAPS pill box (and any optional pump monitoring pill boxes) on the left side of the Nightscout page near the time. You may also want to graphically show the basal rates: select "Default" or "Icicle" from the "Render Basal" pull-down menu in the Settings. ### Configure Nightscout profile You need to create a profile in your Nightscout site that contains the Timezone, Duration of Insulin Activity (DIA), Insulin to carb ratio (I:C), Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF), Carbs Activity / Absorption rate, Basal Rates and Target BG range. These settings are not currently updated from the values stored in the pump. You will need to keep the Nightscout profile in sync with any changes you make in your pump. To configure your profile, on your Nightscout website, go to the Settings (3 horizontal bars) in the upper right corner. Click on the Profile Editor button. Create a new profile (if you don't already have one) using the settings that match what you already have set up in your pump. Fill out all the profile fields and click save. ### New simpler method for Nightscout upload [This walkthrough](openaps-to-nightscout.md) outlines an easier method than the below. We need volunteers to run through this method and replace the sections below as appropriate. ### Configuring and Uploading OpenAPS Status **At this point in the docs I find it confusing as the next part dives straight into working inside of your openaps repo (or whatever the right term for it is). I would think before jumping straight to setting up the integration with Nightscout you would go over some basic `openaps use ns` type stuff, or even just doing `openaps init` for the first time. I see this stuff is in [Phase 2 - Configuring and Learning to Use openaps Tools](../phase-2/using-openaps-tools.html), so the next bit seems out of place if you're supposed to follow the phases in order** Integration with Nightscout requires couple of changes to your OpenAPS implementation, which include: * Adding a new `ns` device, and generating a new report `monitor/upload-status.json`, which consolidates the current OpenAPS status to be uploaded to Nightscout Upon successful completion of these two steps, you will be able to see the current OpenAPS status by hovering over the OpenAPS pill box on your Nightscout page, as shown here, for example: ![Nightscout-Openaps pill box](https://files.gitter.im/eyim/J8OR/blob) The `ns` is a virtual device in the oref0 system, which consolidates OpenAPS status info in a form suitable for upload to Nightscout. First, add the device: The reports required to generate upload-status.json should look familiar. If you have not generated any of these required reports, you should set them up and make sure they all work. In particular, note that monitor/clock-zoned.json contains the current pump clock time stamp, but with the timezone info included. If you have not generated that report already, you may do so using the following commands, which add a `tz` virtual device and use it to create clock-zoned.json starting from clock.json. ``` $ openaps vendor add openapscontrib.timezones $ openaps device add tz timezones $ git add tz.ini $ openaps report add monitor/clock-zoned.json JSON tz clock monitor/clock.json ``` To test this alias, you may first run your loop manually from command line, then execute `openaps status-upload`, examine the output, and check that the new status is visible on the OpenAPS pill box on your Nightscout page. To automate the status upload each time the loop is executed you can simply add `status-upload` to your main OpenAPS loop alias. The OpenAPS pill box will show when the last time your loop ran. If you hover over it, it will provide critical information that was used in the loop, which will help you understand what the loop is currently doing. The OpenAPS pill box has four states, based on what happened in the last 15 minutes: Enacted, Looping, Waiting, and Warning: * Waiting is when OpenAPS is uploading, but hasn't seen the pump in a while * Warning is when there hasn't been a status upload in the last 15 minutes * Enacted means OpenAPS has recently enacted the pump * Looping means OpenAPS is running but has not enacted the pump Some things to be aware of: * Make sure that the timezones for the pi (if need be you can use `sudo raspi-config` to change timezones), in your monitor/clock-zoned.json report, and the Nightscout website are all in the same time zone. * The basal changes won't appear in Nightscout until the second time the loop runs and the corresponding upload is made. * You can scroll back in time and at each glucose data point you can see what the critical information was at that time Note: Remember to add `careportal` to Nightscout's `ENABLE` environment variable in case it is not already there. ### Set up `ns` device To get your OpenAps viewed onto your Nightscout site, start by using the following tool: ``` nightscout autoconfigure-device-crud ``` To view your data on your Nightscout site, start by doing the following: `nightscout autoconfigure-device-crud https://yourname.com yourplainapisecret` So this would be your actual `https://myname.azurewebsites.net` or `https://myname.herokuapp.com`. Your `API_SECRET` is listed in your Azure or Heroku settings. To test this: `openaps use ns shell preflight` To get aliases: ``` curl -sg https://gist.githubusercontent.com/bewest/d3db9ca1c144b845382c885138a8f66e/raw/181c5d6f29cd6489ecc9630786cf2c4937ddde79/bewest-aliases.json | openaps import ``` ### Sending glucose data: ``` openaps use ns shell format-recent-type tz entries monitor/glucose.json | json -a dateString | wc -l # Add it as a report openaps report add nightscout/recent-missing-entries.json JSON ns shell format-recent-type tz entries monitor/glucose.json # fetch data for first time openaps report invoke nightscout/recent-missing-entries.json # add report for uploading to NS openaps report add nightscout/uploaded-entries.json JSON ns shell upload entries.json nightscout/recent-missing-entries.json # upload for fist time. openaps report invoke nightscout/uploaded-entries.json ``` ### Uploading Latest Treatments to Nightscout In addition to uloading OpenAPS status, it also very beneficial to upload the treatment information from the pump into Nightscout. This removes the burden of entering this information into Nightscout manually. Note that a `pumphistory-zoned.json` report is required, which can be generated from pumphistory.json using `tz`, following the approach described above for clock-zoned.json, including making sure to add it to your monitor-pump alias. In addition, if you haven't already created a requisite reports you should create that report and invoke it since it is required. Upon successful upload, the recent treatments will show up automatically on the Nightscount page. Note: Currently extended boluses are not handled well and depending on the timing of the upload are either missed entirely or have incorrect information. To upload treatments data to Nightscout, prepare you zoned glucose, and pump model reports, and use the following two reports: ``` openaps report add nightscout/recent-treatments.json JSON ns shell format-recent-history-treatments monitor/pump-history.json model.json openaps report add nightscout/uploaded.json JSON ns shell upload-non-empty-treatments nightscout/recent-treatments.json ``` Here are the equivalent uses: ``` openaps use ns shell format-recent-history-treatments monitor/pump-history.json model.json openaps use ns shell upload-non-empty-treatments nightscout/recent-treatments.json ``` The first report runs the format-recent-history-treatments use, which fetches data from Nightscout and determines which of the latest deltas from openaps need to be sent. The second one uses the upload-non-empty-treatments use to upload treatments to Nightscout, if there is any data to upload. To pull data: `openaps gather-clean-data` To set up Nightscout reports: curl -sg https://gist.githubusercontent.com/bewest/d3db9ca1c144b845382c885138a8f66e/raw/522155bae116983499bb1de30f10f52eb3c4b6b7/ns-reports.json | openaps import To see your progress: `openaps do-everything` Then again, to check your progress: `openaps do-everything` At this point, you should see treatment circles, information about the battery, etc. To verify what was uploaded to Nightscout: `cat nightscout/uploaded.json` ### Sending openaps status to Nightscout ``` openaps use ns shell status monitor/clock.json oref0-monitor/iob.json oref0-predict/oref0.json oref0-enacted/enacted-temp-basal.json monitor/battery.json monitor/reservoir.json monitor/status.json ``` You should see a lot of info. (Side note: the word "received" is spelled wrong.) Make sure to save this as a report: ``` openaps report add nightscout/openaps-status.json JSON ns-status shell monitor/clock.json oref0-monitor/iob.json oref0-predict/oref0.json oref0-enacted/enacted-temp-basal.json monitor/battery.json monitor/reservoir.json monitor/status.json ``` Now it needs to be invoked to test that it is getting data. `openaps report invoke nightscout/openaps-status.json` Test uploading it: `openaps use ns shell upload devicestatus.json nightscout/openaps-status.json` If it works, save it as a report: ``` openaps report add nightscout/uploaded-recent-devicestatus.json JSON ns shell upload devicestatus.json nightscout/openaps-status.json added ns://JSON/shell/nightscout/uploaded-recent-devicestatus.json ``` ### Updating Aliases Now those aliases we did earlier need adjustment for all of the recent work we just did: ``` openaps alias add report-nightscout "report invoke nightscout/recent-treatments.json nightscout/uploaded.json nightscout/recent-missing-entries.json nightscout/uploaded-entries.json nightscout/openaps-status.json nightscout/uploaded-recent-devicestatus.json" ``` SUCCESS!! To upload to Nightscout, use: `openaps do-everything` To just test uploading to Nightscout, use: `openaps report-nightscout` Make sure to backup all the work you have just done: `oref0 export-loop | tee backup-loop.json`