

usage: openaps [-h] [-c C C] [-C CONFIG] [–version] [command] ...

openaps - openaps: a toolkit for DIY artificial pancreas system

positional arguments: command args

optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -c C C -C CONFIG, –config CONFIG –version show program’s version number and exit

Utilities for developing an artificial pancreas system. openaps helps you manage and structure reports for various devices.

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Common workflows:

Getting started:

openaps init - create a new instance of openaps openaps init myopenaps - this creates an instance of openaps in a new directory, called myopenaps

cd myopenaps - change directory to root of new repo

A valid instance of openaps is a git repo with a file called openaps.ini present.

openaps will track configuration and some status information inside of openaps.ini. If you already have a git repo which you would like to become a valid openaps environent, in the root of your repo, run:

touch openaps.ini
git add openaps.ini
git commit -avm 'init openaps'

Now, wth a valid openaps environment, you can register devices for use. A device is implemented by a vendor. openaps [will] provide a modular, language and process independent environment for creating vendors and devices, but for now the only two are dexcom and medtronic.

To register devices for use, see: openaps device -h openaps device add [opts...] eg:

register a medtronic device named pump

openaps device add pump medtronic 665455

register a dexcom device named cgm

openaps device add cgm dexcom

Now that devices are known, and we have a variety of commands available. We can explore how to produce reports by using devices with the openaps use command:

openaps use <device-name> <use-name> [opts]

openaps use commands can only be used after devices have been added to the openaps.ini config using openaps device add. Eg: openaps use pump -h - show available commands for the device known as “pump” openaps use pump iter_pump - get last 100 pump history records from the device called pump openaps use cgm -h - show available commands for the device known as “cgm” openaps use cgm glucose

After experimenting with openaps use commands, users can save reports using the openaps report commands. openaps report commands map openaps use commands to filenames:

openaps report add <report-name> <report-formatter> <device> <use> [opts]

# add a report, saved in a file called pump-history.json, which is
# JSON format, from device pump using use iter_pump.
openaps report add pump-history.json JSON pump iter_pump

# add a report, saved in a file called glucose.json, which is
# JSON format, from device cgm using use glucose.
openaps report add glucose.json JSON cgm glucose

# invoke the report to create glucose.json
openaps report invoke glucose.json

# invoke the report to create pump-history.json
openaps report invoke pump-history.json

All commands support tab completion, and -h help options to help explore the live help system.